I am Ta-Wei Yeh


Name: Ta-Wei Yeh

Profile: Doctoral of Philosophy

Email: twy359.at.tamu.edu

Phone: (607) 379-4178

Skills & Interests

Lauguages: Fluent in Mandarin Chinese and English

Programming: C/C++, C#, Matlab, Python, ROS, Verilog, HTML

Honors: Enterprise Award (Cornell, Ithaca), Academic Excellent Award (NTNU, Taiwan), Excellent Student Award (NTNU, Taiwan), 3rd place in MechaHeroesTaiwan competition (NTNU, Taiwan)

Prototyping: Solidworks, 3D printing, circuits design, soldering

Musical Instruments: Violin

About me

I am currently the Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University. I earned my master degree from Cornell University of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

I have eight projects implemented in Linux with various software programming languages like C++, C#, MATLAB, Python, and ROS. My works include software architecture design and from hardware to software, hands-on to algorithm design, including SLAM and PID. One of them include computer vision for balloon tracking. Another one has cooperated numerous sensors, mapping ability, and more features conducted with hands-on skills to make the robot explore an unknown maze.

All my projects had been solved and achieved through teamwork. I am an excellent team player. I was the vice president in Electrical Engineering Student Association and a leader in my undergraduate final project.


Here is my experience.

Research on AI acceleration for neural network and real-time operating systems under the advise from Professor Jan Jan, Wu. We aim to accelerate particle filer visual localization utilizing TensorFlow (software) and Google Edge-TPU (hardware). Updating CNN for higher image resolution input, efficient localization convergence, and better localize accuracy.
— July 2020 ~ June 2021


A 2019 summer intern at Corning Incorporate. Responsible for modern process control that integrates two motion controllers. Synchronized two controllers, XYZ machine and six-degree-of-freedom robotic arm and communicated in less time legacy. I finished the assignments on time and even caught up with the previously delayed schedule. I work well under pressure and with teams.
— July~Aug. 2019

A Cornell researcher in Human-Robot Swarm project, advised by Kirstin Petersen. Increased three software features on the rover. Document rover components and software instructions for future additional rovers. Speed up the project process for the coming paper publish.
— June 2019


Here are the schools I attended.

Doctoral of Philosophy, Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Selected Coursework: Probability for Information Science, Pattern Recognition, Linear Multivariable Systems, Reinforcement Learning, Online Decision and Learning
  • Working with Professor Xingyong Song on sensor and robot mutual assistance.

Master of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Worked with Professor Kirstin Petersen for Master of Engineering project.
  • Enterprise Award at Makeathon February, 2020. See Project
  • ECE 5725 Embedded Operating System Final Project. Our balloon tracking vehicle remarked as one of the best projects and was placed in the exhibition.
  • Accomplished 7 projects, including robotics (SLAM), parallel computing, and machine learning

Bachelor of Technology, Electrical Engineering

  • Vice President of Electrical Engineering Student Association Junior
  • General Coordinator of the Week of Electrical Engineering Sophomore
  • General Coordinator of Training Camp of Reintegration Services-Entertainment Program Junior
  • Academic Excellent Award Oct. 21, 2014
  • Excellent Student Award Apr. 14, 2016
  • Production and Application of Delta Robot Manipulator :
    Third place of the first MechaHerosTaiwan on Dec. 23, 2016




Kilometers Away From Moon


Visited Cities




Various projects which consist of robotics, controls, and hands-on designs.


Here is what I can help you with.


I have four robotic projects that requires Linux operating system on Ubuntu or Raspbian. Also I took a shell-scripting online course on Udemy for projects use and personal learning.


As studying in Cornell University, there numerous projects and homework every semester. I have up to seven projects doing with robotics. Topics include SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), Serial/Parallel robotic arm, and hands-on two-wheeled robots.


Fascinated by space and galaxy, I'm fond of capturing photos of the Milky Way Galaxy in the sky. Also I have taken numerous photos on every of my travels. Please visit my blog for further interests.


Making humans' life more efficient and effortless is part of engineering's responsibilities. I believe making robots are one of the technologies that lead to human's coming prosperity. Cornell ECE-4770 foundation of robotics, and MAE-5180 Autonomous Mobile Robot allowed me to have better knowledge on robotics and so as other robotic projects.


Open to various of sports, such as basketball, golf, skiing, and etc. I tried scuba-diving and SUP at the Cayuga Lake. Even sky-diving in the future. Feel free to share your story with me.


Most of my projects are consisted of more than three person which allowed me to cooperate, communicate, and nagotiate with every teammates. During the undergradute, attending clubs and being as a club vice president taught me how to lead or guide a team and pursue the same goal together.